More good news in Montezuma

And a very good one: Montezuma welcomed the second semester of the year with a brand new hill paved, with railing and lights!

After many months, meetings and steps by the Chamber of Tourism of Montezuma –CATUMO, its acronym in Spanish- the hill to Montezuma was set by CONAVI as an urgent route to be fixed given its conditions.  The work started after the Easter holiday and was supervised directly by CONAVI as well as CATUMO staff, guaranteeing excellent quality of the materials and procedures.

This achievement allows the inhabitants of Montezuma as well as visitors to arrive in town safer and easier, hurray!

If you are planning visiting this magical place you might to take a look in some rentals in this area or if you already have a property in Costa Rica here then we highly encourage you to check the new services that we offer to Tropisphere clients here!

Pura Vida!